Monday, 8 June 2015

My Graphic Organizers

The purpose for the religion graphic organizer was just for a visual with only pictures and a couple titles to enhance our speech about our religion topic. The purpose for the Renaissance graphic organizer was to show our learning through making connections, using picture and displaying the information we took notes and read about on. With the religion one it probably wouldn't make sense if someone just looked at it because its mostly just pictures it needs a speech to go with it. With the Renaissance graphic organizer its the type of poster that someone would just look at, if there was a speech said about it while the person was trying to look and make sense of the poster it would just be really confusing.

Star- I like how there's a check list at the bottom of the poster of all the things that make up a religion and made it easier to tell if Buddhism is a way of life or a religion.

Star- I like how each section has distinct sections. That makes it easier to see what pictures are in what section.

Wish- I wish the sub titles were more visually appealing

Star- I like how all the colour coding was consistent and helped me look at the poster without feeling too overwhelmed with information.

Star- I incorporated a few charts and a Venn diagram.

Wish-I wish I added a few more pictures.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Maiya!
    I like how you always use different colors and shadings. I can't see the pictures, it just shows a black square for some reason. Anyways, for the Renaissance project, you had to asses yourself without the 2 starts and a wish. And you missed the last part, What did you learn from these two assignments? What are you most proud of?
